Google Glass Release Date

Google Glass, the futuristic wearable technology, has been making waves in the tech world since its announcement in 2012. With its advanced features and innovative design, it promises to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and the world around us. However, despite the excitement surrounding this revolutionary device, there has been much speculation about its release date. In this article, we will explore the latest updates on the Google Glass release date and what we can expect from this groundbreaking device.

Google Glass Release Date

Google Glass Release Date: The Future of Wearable Technology

What is Google Glass?

Google Glass is a wearable technology developed by Google. It is a pair of smart glasses that can perform several functions like taking pictures, recording videos, making calls, and displaying notifications. The device has a small display screen on the right-hand side of the eye, which can be accessed by voice commands or touch gestures. The device can be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and it runs on the Android operating system.

Google Glass was first announced in 2012, and it has undergone several developments and modifications since then. The device has been tested extensively by Google employees, developers, and selected individuals in the Explorer Program. However, it has not been released to the general public yet.

Release Date

Google has not announced an official release date for Google Glass yet. There were rumors that the device would be released in 2014, but that did not happen. In 2015, Google stopped selling the Explorer Program version of Google Glass and announced that it would be working on a new version of the device.

In 2019, Google announced that it was developing a new version of Google Glass, called Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2, which is designed for the workplace. The device is currently available for purchase by businesses and developers. However, Google has not provided any information about when the consumer version of Google Glass will be released.

Benefits of Google Glass

Google Glass has several benefits, including:

  • Hands-free operation: Users can perform tasks without using their hands, making it convenient for activities like driving or cooking.

  • Augmented reality: The device can display information in real-time, enhancing the user’s experience and providing useful information.

  • Accessibility: The device can be beneficial for individuals with disabilities, making it easier for them to perform tasks.

  • Portability: The device is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry around.

Google Glass vs. Other Wearable Technology

Google Glass is not the only wearable technology available in the market. Several other devices perform similar functions, like smartwatches and virtual reality headsets. However, Google Glass has several advantages over other devices, including:

Device Advantages
Smartwatches Smaller and more portable than Google Glass
Virtual Reality Headsets Provide a more immersive experience than Google Glass

However, Google Glass has unique features that set it apart from other wearable technology. The device provides a hands-free experience, making it more convenient for users, and the augmented reality feature enhances the user’s experience.


Google Glass is a revolutionary device that has the potential to change the way we interact with technology. Although there is no official release date for the consumer version of the device, it is expected to be available in the future. The device has several benefits, including hands-free operation, augmented reality, accessibility, and portability. Although there are other wearable technology devices available in the market, Google Glass has unique features that set it apart from the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about the release date of Google Glass:

What is Google Glass and when was it announced?

Google Glass is a wearable smart device designed to display information directly in the user’s field of vision. It was first announced in April 2012 by Google’s Project Glass team.

Since then, Google has made updates to the product and tested it with select groups of users, but a public release date has not yet been announced.

When will Google Glass be available to the public?

Google has not announced an official release date for Google Glass to the public. However, it was anticipated to be released in 2014. Despite several rumors, it has yet to be released to the public.

Google has stated that it wants to ensure that the product is fully developed and ready for consumer use before releasing it to the public.

How much will Google Glass cost?

Google has not announced an official price for Google Glass. However, the Explorer Edition, which was released to select groups of users, was priced at $1,500. It is expected that the public release will be at a lower price point, but this has not been confirmed.

Google has stated that it wants to make the product affordable and accessible to a wider audience, but the cost will depend on the final product features and technology.

What are the features of Google Glass?

Google Glass has several features, including voice commands, a camera, and a display that shows information such as messages, maps, and weather. It can also be used to make phone calls and send messages.

Google has also developed a range of apps for Google Glass, including ones for fitness and productivity. The final product features may vary from what has been tested in the Explorer Edition.

What are the potential uses for Google Glass?

Google Glass has the potential to be used in a range of industries, including healthcare, education, and manufacturing. It can be used to display information and assist with tasks in real-time, allowing for increased efficiency and productivity.

It can also be used for personal use, such as for fitness tracking or social media. The potential uses for Google Glass are still being explored and developed.

Why The New Google Glass Won’t Be A Failure… (2022)

In conclusion, the release date of Google Glass has been highly anticipated by consumers and tech enthusiasts alike. While the initial release in 2013 was met with excitement, the product ultimately did not meet expectations and was discontinued. However, rumors of a new and improved version of Google Glass have been circulating, and many are eagerly awaiting an official announcement from the company.

Despite the mixed reception of the original Google Glass, the technology behind it is still groundbreaking and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. With advancements in augmented reality and wearable technology, the possibilities for the new version of Google Glass are endless.

Overall, the release date of Google Glass may still be unknown, but the excitement and anticipation surrounding it continue to grow. As we wait for more information from Google, we can only imagine the possibilities and eagerly anticipate the future of wearable technology.

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